This is Dawn Stone a short game for the 15th Piarte Game jam

Here is the game  design document link


You are an alchemist in a cursed wold. An evil alchemist made your wolrd always dark and you are fed up with it. Now you have to make the Dawn Stone the only artifact to be able to restore ypu rworld. Click the "NEXT" button in ame to get more story information


Click one of the six option buttons(the ones with the dropdown button) to add a material on the pot!Once you click an option in the option Button you canit cahnge it and the material you chose is diasbled!

Then check the feedback from the pot if the pot steam is green then the material you chose is correct. If the steam is oange then the material exists in the recipe just in another position. If  the steam is red then the material doesn't exist in the correct recipe.

If you have chosen one material for every option button then you can reset the option buttons with the reset button

If you are out of a material it will still be shown in the optionm button but you will not be able to choose it

To gain materials use the moving  bar and stop it in the indicated zones the smallest the zone the more materials you get . The smallest zone ives 3 materials, the medium gives 2, and the biggest gives 1. Keep in mind that the light blue zones give you materials for the light blue buttons and the dark zones give you materials for the dark opton button.



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(1 edit)

I like your music, also I wish your text wasnt black on a gray background here, cant read anything!

Good game idea! I think it's a bit too much clicking and guessing for my taste, but you've got a solid base here. Good job and keep making games!

Thank you for the feedback!